
16 February 2014
16 Feb 2014

There’s so much distraction, so much we want to do, some things that have been putting off that would have been done yesterday. So much to catch over the weekend. It’s hard to focus because of all the distractions.

Sound familiar?

Today is such a day for me, I’ve quite a long todo list today; exercising, emails to answer, blogging, working, cleaning and shopping. When you have a lot of todo’s, it’s easy to get stressed which increases the distraction.

Then it’s time to take a break and look over the todo list. What is most important today, what is it that stresses me the most. Just do the most important thing. Find your MIT (Most Important Task) for the day.

Pause, take a step back and do your MIT.

Start by turning off anything that can distract. Close down the browser, turn off the phone. Meditate using Calm in two minutes and give yourself a moment to think.

Then you start with your MIT. Sit down with your task and don’t allow yourself to be distracted. You have the urge to check something. It’s a nice urge – but leave it for now, look at it and smile, don’t act on the urge. Just smile. Now go back to what you chose to do.

Do this a few minutes, try to push the limit and do the task a little longer.

Then you take a break, drink coffee, take a walk in the fresh air. Smile at yourself in the mirror, check the thing you previously got the urge to check, but only a short while. Now go back to your task and continue. With a smile.

That was what I did with this blog post. I will write and publish daily and today was hard but with a step back and a look at today’s todo list, this became today’s MIT and now I’m ready for the rest of the list.

A month without alcohol

Breathe and subtract